Insightful writing. You think in future some founder of Substack will leave to start their own version? With clear boundaries for what is allowed. Like bumble and tinder. Or Substack is it not that large to have copycats.

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Thank you! And no, definitely not, all of the founders seem perfectly content with the way they’re driving the business “forward.” They describe their backgrounds as 1/3 media and 2/3 tech, to me that reads like they’re just another tech product no matter how much they tell you they’re not. There are also already so many alternatives to Substack (Behiiv, Ghost, Medium, Mailchimp, etc.) but I haven’t done any research as to whether they’ll be better than Substack in the long term or whether they’re any more concerned with user experience

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I loved reading this. I kick myself every time I remember that I"gave up" certain ventures (cough, Vine, etc) early, and now, I feel like I'm in constant competition. But you're right in what you wrote. It's important to keep on keeping on despite being "late to the party."

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